A compass is an instrument for determining directions and a legend is a table on a map, chart, or the like, listing and explaining the symbols used.
there are two thing a legend is, 1. a legend on a map tells you what shapes and colours mean on a map, 2. a legend is a kind of story
The "legend" of a map tells more than just the map scale. It defines other features such as what the various symbols on the map mean, the colors used for elevation, and the types of cities, roads, bridges, and borders shown. The legend may or may not include the compass rose. The maker or copyright on the map is usually in the legend as well.
Symbols are used in lab procedures and in other kinds of instructions to alert you to important information or to the potential for hazards if procedures are not carefully followed.
Safety symbols must be instantly recognizable across language or cultural barriers. Standardization of signs promotes recognition so that, for example, in the event of an emergency people instantly recognize the sign that points to the nearest emergency exit.
Map symbols take up less space than writing. Writing may cover important detail on a map. Map symbols are printed in a legend at the side of the map.
Important map symbols include a legend or key, which explains the meaning of different symbols used on the map. Common map symbols can represent features like roads, rivers, mountains, and buildings. Symbols are essential for understanding the information conveyed on a map quickly and accurately.
The legend of the map also contains important information and all of the thematic symbols of the map. Symbol that need no explanation, or do not coincide with the theme of the map, are normally omitted from the map legend. Thematic symbols directly represent the maps theme and should stand out. Hope this helps!! :-)
The map key gives one information about the symbols on a map.
The map legend or key contains information on what the map symbols mean. It explains the symbols, colors, and markers used on the map and their corresponding representations on the ground.
Collectively, the symbols, with their meanings, on a map are called a 'legend'.
Every map has different symbols and meanings to represent a feature. The legend at the bottom of every map has the symbols and their meanings.
Symbols are small, well, symbols that are ON the map. The Key is off to the side, and tells you what the symbols mean.
The part of a map which explains its symbols are called legends/map symbols.
Collectively, the symbols, with their meanings, on a map are called a 'legend'.
The most important component on a map is the key or legend, as it explains what symbols and colors represent on the map. Without a key or legend, it would be difficult to interpret the information presented on the map accurately.