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An electron microscope requires that the subject be dead to function. In order to receive a picture, the specimen must be coated in chemicals and put into a vacuum, a process which will kill any living specimen. A light microscope, although not as detailed, will allow the scientist to observe living specimens.

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Q: Why might a microscopist who specializes in the use of microscopes to examine specimens use a light microscope instead of an electron microscope?
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Which type of microscope can observe non-living cells?

A tunneling electron microscope cannot image live specimens.

What are the different types of microscopes?

There are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Dissection microscope, etc,but all together there are about 20 different types of microscopes.

What do you call the microscope used to study large specimens?

The microscope used to study large specimens is called a stereomicroscope or a dissecting microscope. These microscopes have a lower magnification power compared to other types of microscopes, allowing for a larger field of view and depth of focus to study three-dimensional objects.

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What is used to examining extremely small specimens?

A microscope is used to examine extremely small specimens. This device magnifies the specimen to make it visible to the naked eye. There are different types of microscopes, such as light microscopes, electron microscopes, and scanning probe microscopes, each suited for different purposes and levels of magnification.

What type of microscopes do scientist use when they want to examine specimens that are smaller than those which can be seen using a light microscope?

Scientists use electron microscopes, such as transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM), to examine specimens that are smaller than what can be seen using a light microscope. These microscopes use beams of electrons instead of light to achieve higher resolution and magnification, allowing scientists to observe structures at the nanoscale.

How Which one of the following types of microscope gives the highest amount of magnification Light microscope Electron microscope Simple microscope?

An electron microscope provides the highest amount of magnification compared to a light microscope or a simple microscope. Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to visualize specimens at much higher magnifications and resolutions than light microscopes.

Which microscope do not use a beam of light?

An electron microscope does not use a beam of light. Instead, it uses a beam of electrons to visualize specimens at much higher resolution than can be achieved with light microscopes.

What electromagnetic wave does microscope use?

Microscopes typically use visible light waves to illuminate and magnify specimens. Some advanced microscopes, such as electron microscopes, use electron beams instead of light waves for imaging at higher magnifications.

How do light microscopes differ from election microscope?

Light microscopes use visible light to illuminate specimens and magnify them, while electron microscopes use a beam of electrons for imaging. Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution and can magnify to much greater levels than light microscopes, allowing for the visualization of smaller structures in greater detail.

Which two types of microscopes view objects that have been sliced and treated to improve contrast?

The two types of microscopes that view objects that have been sliced and treated to improve contrast are the light microscope (specifically the brightfield microscope) and the electron microscope (specifically the transmission electron microscope). These microscopes provide detailed images of thin slices of specimens by enhancing contrast through various staining or labeling techniques.

How are TEM and SEM microscopes different from compound microscopes?

TEM (transmission electron microscope) and SEM (scanning electron microscope) use electron beams instead of light to magnify specimens, providing higher resolution images. Compound microscopes use visible light and lenses to magnify specimens. TEMs transmit electrons through the specimen to create an image, while SEMs scan the specimen's surface with electrons to generate an image.