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Q: Why living indicators can be useful to scientists?
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Why do scientists use indicators?

to indicate something

Why are economic indicators useful?

They help people determine how wealthy a country's economy is.Economy indicators are useful because they make it easier to monitor money, improvement, and change. This is important when the economy isn't doing so well.Economic indicator best describes economic activities. These can be one of three indicators namely leading indicators, lagging indicators, and coincident indicators.

Why are indicators useful?

because they help people with stuff and stuff...

Technical indicators are part of what business?

Technical indicators are a part of marketing business. Technical indicators inclur price trends and something like that. They are very useful in some business.

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for scientists

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i want the names of few living scientists

What economic indicators would be most useful for figuring out how healthy a country's businesses is?

Corporate profits

How environmental changes are measured using non-living indicators?


Why are data tables useful to scientists?

Why are data tables useful to scientists? It is Important for scientist to use data because data is what they use to write their observation

What are scientists doing to increase the warning time for tornadoes?

Scientists are studying the storms that produce tornadoes, looking for indicators of tornado development that could give earlier warnings.

Why are scientific methods useful?

that is what the scientists use to experiment

Why are modles useful to scientists?

It gives them an example of what they are working with