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Firstly the advantage is that it

2. It actually prevented the Third World War between USSR and USA. It ultimately ended the war that could have possibly gone on for much longer, claim any more lives

3. It shows the World the power that the scientist can do within a limit period of time, and this leads to further giant projects support by the government such as Space travelling.

4. It allows nuclear power as alternative electricity resources to use. It does not pollute the atmosphere and does not impact the greenhouse effect, given the careful disposal of waste. Unlike other generate such as hydroelectric power, it does not need huge lakes or artificial ones.

Secondly the Disadvantage is that:

1. The tragic cause to Japan in dropping the two atomic bomb, and lives of innocent.

2. The encourage of mass destruction (nuclear) weapon over several countries because of the fear of that power.

3. The new threat on nuclear weapon, extra security need in world wide. And the fear if the power past to terrorist.

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16y ago
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17y ago

these crimminals who won ww2 and boast about war crime have infected the milk of every mother of every mammal on earth with strontium 90 while pontificating on the petty crimes of the Reich they have poisioned all children and coninue to make more deadly bacteria gas and virus weapons, they all belong in an insane asylum

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15y ago

Because it was important!?!?!?!?!

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