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Skepticism seeds the questions that often turn into good research, so that what is said will be tested again and again to see if it is always true.

Scientists tend not to believe everything they hear, because while it opens them up to new theories, they need hardcore evidence to back up those theories.

A flimsy conclusion or hypothesis based on even more weak and flimsy evidence is one of the worst things a scientist can make. It not only shows incompetence in being a scientist, but is increasingly embarrassing to the rest of the scientific world.

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14y ago

It is a very important quatlity in a scientist because they must doubt certain 'truths' or what apear to be the truth. A classic example of this would be the discovery that the world was actually round rather than flat. If all scientists were devoid of skepticism, they wouldn't be scientists as no new discoveries would be made.

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12y ago

Skepticism in science helps to separate the wheat from the chaff. It provides a healthy questioning attitude, that helps science avoid errors that occur in other areas of human activity, Business ,politics,etc.

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16y ago

Skepticism is the most important quality a scientist can have, but only open mindedness can truly prevent a bias.

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14y ago

Skepticism raises questions and questions spark investigation which is the underlying reason for science.

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9y ago

Science moves forward by a process of either validating or disproving theories. A skeptic will naturally question things and hence has the ideal mindset to be a scientist.

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A healthy amount of skepticism is essential for evaluating the veracity of information presented by almost any source.

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