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so u lern 2 discrib

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Q: Why is it important to learn how to describe things?
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What two important things people can learn by studying history?

Two important things people can learn from studying history is the grest triumphs of the past and the things that happened long ago that to not repeat again.

Why is study of trigonometry important?

Math gets much better once you get past trigonometry into Calculus. You learn trig to help with many things later in life. (Believe me you will use it). Calculus can be used to describe ANYTHING, and is so powerful that you will be amazed when you learn it. Things that you thought you could never understand because they were too difficult suddenly you can. So just keep plugging away at trigonometry and I promise it will get better and they will be the most important things you learn in school.

What are some important things you learn as a child?

How many do you need? I'll give you a ton... how to walk, how to talk, how to eat, how to write ect. A lot of things. In my opinion, a child learns these important things: they learn about their Creator, God. They learn how to treat others and how to take care of themselves. They learn different things depending on their education, and they learn to respect their parents and elders.

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to learn new things

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they help students learn things they may not know.

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Why are history and science important?

to learn / get motivated by things we don't know

Why is the scientific method important to your society?

To experiment on things you want to know and learn about.

Why was the town crier important?

The town crier was important in Medieval Times because they helped the people learn about what is going on . They also helped people learn things that will be improved .

Is it important to study science?

yes, because it is important to learn about the technology and all living things around us.

What are several important things you can learn from studying owl pellets?

One important thing you can learn from studying an owl pellet is learning what animal the bones in the owl pellet belong to.

How would you describe a friendly person?

Click the link to learn how to describe people. For a friendly person, you need to put down things that you think a friendly person would say and do.