Oakwood floats on water because it is less dense than parrafin. water has a density of about 1.0 g/cm3 and anything less than that floats (oakwood) and anything more than that sinks (parrafin) I do not know the answer to this question, however I do konwthat parrafin has a density of 0.8 g/cm3 so it should float on water.
Assuming that each piece of wood is the same weight as the other, the oak would float deeper because it has a greater density than the pine.
The density of oak wood is greater than that of pine wood. This means that more water has to be displaced to float a unit volume of oak wood than pine wood. Therefore oak wood floats deeper than pine wood.
Yes if the density of the wood is less than that of water, no if the wood is high density (like ironwood) in which case it sinks. Even common woods like oak will sink uner the proper circumstances. There is a thriving industry on the Ottawa River in Canada salvaging sunken logs which have been underwater for more than a hundred years.
It depends on the shape of the fork and the material from which it is made. Most non-metal (wood, plastic) forks will float. Metal forks will sink unless they are shaped to have a large enough surface area on the bottom.
Like Oak Wood from Oak Trees . . . Cherry wood comes from Cherry trees
Well hard wood is straight and soft is limpyBasically hardwood comes from a deciduous tree like the oak or ash. Softwood comes from conifers.
Bamboo is wood, more commonly a woody grass. It has a slightly lower ignition point (400°F) than pine (427°F) or oak (482°F).
Oak wood is less dense than water, which allows it to float. In contrast, paraffin is denser than water, causing it to sink. This difference in density determines whether an object will float or sink in water.
Yes, oak wood generally sinks in water because it is denser than water. Oak is a hardwood, which tends to be denser than softwoods like pine, which can float.
White oak is denser than water, so it would sink when placed in water.
Yes if the density of the wood is less than that of water, no if the wood is high density (like ironwood) in which case it sinks. Even common woods like oak will sink uner the proper circumstances. There is a thriving industry on the Ottawa River in Canada salvaging sunken logs which have been underwater for more than a hundred years.
because the density of oak wood is less than the water and greater than the petrol.
Hardwoods like oak, hickory, and mahogany are denser and typically sink in water. Softwoods like pine, cedar, and spruce are less dense and tend to float.
The piece of Styrofoam will float, the piece of oak will sink, and the gold ring will also sink. Styrofoam is less dense than water so it floats, while oak and gold are denser than water so they will sink.
oak is a very hard wood
oak wood
oak people oak oak oak