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It all depends on the amount of rain fall, which is very variable, and can range from a drizzle to a downpour.

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Q: Why does the amount of water that flows in the river change every year?
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Why does the amount of water that flows in a river change during a year?


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What factor influence how fast a river flows?

The slope of the river bed and the amount of water in the river.

How does river Nile change as it flows down stream?

Mainly it becomes polluted and it loses a large amount of its water through evaporation in the desert.

Why does the amount of water flows in a river change during the year?


What is the larger river in the world?

The longest river is the River Nile. The biggest river, measured by the amount of water that flows down it, is the Amazon.

Why does the amount of water that flows in a river chang during the year?


What river flows right underneath Cincinnati Ohio?

the Ohio river which flows into the Mississippi river which flows into a sea

What 3 factors affect how fast a river flows?

Amount of water in the river and the Wind... Slope of the river and size of the river both affect how fast a river flows.

A river flows into this?

A river usually flows eventually into the sea.

Where the water in a river flows into?

The river water flows into the sea.

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the roanoke river flows from