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Antimatter observes and obeys the same fundamental forces that matter does:

  • gravity
  • electromagnetism
  • weak interactive
  • strong interactive

A positron, which is the anti-particle of the electron, for example, has the same mass as an electron and experiences the same attraction to all other matter (gravity) as an electron. That same positron is repelled by positively charged particles and attracted to negatively charged particles (electromagnetism).
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11y ago
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3mo ago

Yes, matter and antimatter will attract each other due to gravity, just like matter attracts matter. However, when matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing energy in the form of particles and radiation.

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12y ago

Positively and negatively charged objects affect each other.Opposite charges attract or pull toward each other.Charges that are the same repel or push away from each other.

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14y ago

Yes and no. It can combine, but it will explode on impact.

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12y ago

Intermolecular forces:

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15y ago

It is attracted by the force of gravity.

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Q: Matter attracts other matter does antimatter will repel the antimatter?
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What is the role of gravitational force between matter and antimatter?

The gravitational force between matter and antimatter follows the same principles as between matter and matter. Gravity attracts all objects with mass toward each other. Matter and antimatter would attract each other gravitationally just like matter attracts matter, following Newton's law of universal gravitation.

Is anti-matter a state of matter?

Antimatter is not a state of matter, but rather a mirror image of regular matter with opposite charge. When antimatter comes in contact with regular matter, they annihilate each other, releasing large amounts of energy.

What is a force that attracts all matter to other?

Gravity is the force that attracts all matter to other matter. It is responsible for keeping the planets in orbit around the sun and holding galaxies together.

What is the law of matter and antimatter?

Sir Issac Newton had three laws of motion, which all concerned matter. The first was the law of inertia: an object is either still or moving at a constant speed, and will stay either moving or at the same speed unless acted on by an external force (such as friction - this is why you cannot slide forever on concrete). The second was the law of force: F=m*a (where F=force, M=mass, and a=acceleration). The third was the law of conservation of energy: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (this is why, if you push off of the floor with your feet, you will go up - commonly known as jumping).

What happens when a particle of matter meets its corresponding antiparticle of antimatter?

When a particle of matter meets its corresponding antiparticle of antimatter, they annihilate each other, converting their mass into energy. This process releases photons and other elementary particles, following Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2.

Related questions

What is the role of gravitational force between matter and antimatter?

The gravitational force between matter and antimatter follows the same principles as between matter and matter. Gravity attracts all objects with mass toward each other. Matter and antimatter would attract each other gravitationally just like matter attracts matter, following Newton's law of universal gravitation.

Why the antimatter disappear in universe?

When antimatter comes into contact with matter, they annihilate each other.

Is anti-matter a state of matter?

Antimatter is not a state of matter, but rather a mirror image of regular matter with opposite charge. When antimatter comes in contact with regular matter, they annihilate each other, releasing large amounts of energy.

If 1gram body of antimatter meets a 10gram body of matter which survives?

Initially the 9g of remaining matter would survive. Each particle of antimatter can only annihilate with one other particle of antimatter. At this point the 1g of antimatter would cause an explosion equivalent to that of 200000 pounds of TNT. Causing both groups of matter and antimatter to be obliterated.

What is matter with an unusual quality?

Antimatter is a type of matter with an unusual quality - it has properties that are opposite to those of normal matter. For example, when antimatter comes into contact with normal matter, they annihilate each other, releasing a large amount of energy. Antimatter is rare in the universe and is usually produced in high-energy processes like particle accelerators.

Is a force that attracts all matter to other matter?

I think its gravity caused by weight.

What is a simple explanation for antimatter?

Antimatter is a type of matter that has the opposite properties of normal matter. When a particle of matter meets its corresponding antiparticle, they annihilate each other, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. Antimatter is rare in the universe and is mostly created in high-energy environments like particle accelerators.

Does antimatter have the same laws of physics with itself as matter?

Yes, antimatter follows the same laws of physics as matter. Both matter and antimatter are subject to the fundamental forces and interactions described by the laws of physics, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces. However, antimatter particles have opposite charge and other properties compared to their matter counterparts.

Was the explosion out of antimatter?

Current physical theory tends to indicate there should be a symmetry expressed in the form of a parity between matter and antimatter created in the Big Bang, with no preference for matter over antimatter; this explosion should have created equal amounts of both, which would then annihilate each other. However, the universe tends to be dominated so far as we can tell by matter and no significant regions of antimatter have yet been detected. This would indicate an asymmetry or bias in favor of matter's creation, which is somewhat mysterious and remains a subject of research. In any case, this bias of matter over antimatter is believed to be extremely small - such that it may have been for every billion particles of antimatter created, there were a billion and one particles of matter.

What does antimatter look like?

Antimatter looks identical to regular matter, as both are made up of particles like protons, electrons, and neutrons. The main difference is that antimatter particles have the opposite charge of their corresponding matter particles. When antimatter and matter come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing energy in the form of gamma rays.

What is a force that attracts all matter to other?

Gravity is the force that attracts all matter to other matter. It is responsible for keeping the planets in orbit around the sun and holding galaxies together.

How do you turn off gravity in phosphor?

You cannot. All matter attracts other matter with a force which is gravity.