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When people sprinkle water on hot and dry roof on a sunny day, that water evaporates by taking energy from the ground, roof and surroundings.

The evaporation of water causes a cooling effect because the large latent heat of vaporization of water helps to cool the hot surface.

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Q: Why do be people sprinkle water on the roof or open ground?
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Why do people sprinkle water on the roof or open ground in front of their houses in summer?

Sprinkling water on the roof or open ground can help cool down the surface by evaporative cooling, lowering the temperature of the area. It can also help to reduce dust and keep the surroundings clean during hot weather.

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The simple subject is people.The complete subject is 'people in open areas'.

The simple predicate of During storms people in open areas should crouch close to the ground?

The verb in the sentence is: should crouch

What are two factors that affect your weather the most?

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