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stress, you get annoyed easily, or your just an anry person.

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Q: Why do I get so mad easily?
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What is even-tempered?

Does not get mad easily

Why does terrance get mad so easily?

because half the things you say about him are true.

What do you do if your girl is mad at you because you get mad easily?

Get anger management help.

What is even tempered?

Does not get mad easily

What is a short temper?

its when you get mad or angry easily

Why are you getting mad more often?

You are easily mad because you can't either deal with the problem you are going though or just don't understand what's going on in your life.idk I'm only 13 an I'm easily mad at things.

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Yes, they can get mad very easily.

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yes, i got it from a magazine

Why do girlfriends get mad easily and don't think before what comes out of their mouths?

That's simple girls don't want to really hurt anyone especially not someone they love so they get aggravated annoyed and then mad and feel misunderstood so so they say what comes to mind without thinking

What are all the traits of vampires?

the same traits as humans only alot stronger if you get mad easily you would snap veary easily and become veary mad even if it was over a sports game...

What word means easily mad?

Irascibl and short-fused are two.

What do you call someone who gets mad easily?

short-fused. My wife.