you are likely to find dark, humus-rich soil in an A-horizon profile because that's where dark soil is found & the composition is the particles of weathered rock materials mixed with humus.
i think you mean dominent, if not then i don't know. but dominent is used when studying genes or traits. it means that one trait has a higher chance of being shown. dominent traits are easy to find you just look at the person. like say your mother had brown hair and your father had and your brother both had brown hair. that would mean that brown was mos likely dominent and blonde was recessive. most likely your children would have brown hair depending on who you married, but being that blonde was recessive or (hidden) then theres chance that they or your third sibling could have blonde hair.
Hansel and Gretel scattered breadcrumbs in the forest to find their way home.
Fossils are most likely to be found in sedimentary rock.
it would be harnessed anywhere in manchester where you would be able to find a forest, plants, or animals.
miscritian forest
I don't think either would be in the Dark Forest but you will have to read the books and find out.
Succceffuly compleeet.... game. and you can find in near the forest
You can find it in Darkcomb Forest.
A darkish brown!!johnny depps hair color is dark dark brown
Find out in Fading Echoes!
Forest tent caterpillars turn into brown moths and green when night falls.Mostly moths are brown,white and tan but they always turn out to be green just like glow in the dark stuff you find on the fourth of July.Which was 3 days back....................................................................................................................thats all:)
You can find Murkrows in Teakwood Forest or the Dark Temple.
you can find dark miscrits in the miscrisian forest in the south east corner across from the Woodman's axe
They stay in forest or a dark place where no one can find them or no sunlight can reach
Do the "Check the Mystic Light" quest in The Dark Forest
No, you would most likely find a haboob in the Sahara Desert