He did his best work with Tycho Brahe who was a Danish nobleman who employed Kepler as a mathematician, a fairly junior appointment. Tycho tended to keep his measurements secret, to retain control, but after his death Kepler was able to to get full access and then produced his famous three laws of planetary motion.
Very little, in his day. "Society" back then was mostly agricultural and mostly illiterate, and Kepler's work and studies has only come to have any impact in the last half-century since we have had satellites and space travel.
Now, most communications depends on the workings of concepts and ideas that Kepler originated. The space telescope bearing his name is discovering signs of planets - over 2,000 so far! - that orbit other stars. Someday, human beings will go to live on a few of those planets. We wouldn't have been able to do that without Kepler's work.
Johannes Kepler, a German astrologer.
No. Kepler discovered the laws using Tycho Brahe's data.
Johannes Kepler was born in Stuttgart, in the Duchy of Wurtemburg (now in Germany) his nationality would therefore have been "Wurtemburger"
I think he studied in the univeristy of tubingen.
Johannes Kepler and Sir Isaac Newton
No. Johannes Kepler was an astronomer and mathematician.
Johannes Kepler Believed that you would SMD.....
The Kepler Space Mission was named after Johannes Kepler. Johannes Kepler was an astronomy. The Kepler Space Mission is a mission to search for a habitable earth like orbiting star.
Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571.
Johannes Kepler never gradueted from college
Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571.
Johannes Kepler gave his contribution on universal gravitation.
Johannes Kepler is responsible for developing the three laws of planetary motion, which describe the motion of planets around the Sun. These laws are known as Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion and were published between 1609 and 1619.
Johannes Kepler was an astronomer.
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer.
How did Johannes Kepler influence to the renaisance wolrdview?