The Father of Forensics is a bunch of ppl!!!
Like Lombroso is the father of Criminology (Cesare- ceasare Lombroso)
The first cops where in the days of Babylon under Hammurabi (4,000 years ago)!
And threz more!!!!
A lot more!!
So u have to give a category!!!
Bec their is
* Criminology * DNA Analysis * Ballistic Experts * Medical Examiners * Forensic Techs * Cyber Division * Much more
Mathieu Orfila is thought of as the modern father of toxicology because he founded the science of toxicology. He brought the art of toxicology to the level of a scientific pursuit.
Related Information:
Pedanius Dioscorides is the ancient father of toxicology. He was a Greek physician working in Nero's court just after the time of Christ. He wrote, De Materia Medica (Of Medical Materials), in which, among other things, he listed the poisonous effects of certain plants. This book was the first pharmacopeia, the prototype of all modern pharmacopeias.
Ibn Wahshiyya is probably not a candidate for father of toxicology, but he did his bit. He produced the first work dedicated entirely to poisons, a treatise, in book form, titled the Book of Poisons, sometime in the 9th - 10th century AD.
Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratory (US Army)
Biology, chemistry and drugs/ toxicology, I think!
finger prints substance analysis toxicology (blood alcohol level and drug tests) are all relevant forms of technology used in forensics (crime solving)A2Forensics
Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, who adopted the pseudonym Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, was born in Einsiedeln (now part of Switzerland) in 1493. He was a physician and scientist that during the Renaissance. He made contributions to medicine and founded the field of toxicology. He died in 1541.
Amanita phalloides (common name: death cap) are one type of Group I mushrooms that contain cyclopeptide toxin: amatoxins. Group I are the Cyclopeptides, they have adnate gills attached to the stem. These mushrooms have the mortality of more than 60% if ingested.
The first comprehensive work on forensic toxicology was published in 1813 by Mathieu Orifila. He was a respected Spanish chemist and the physician who is often given the distinction of "father of toxicology.
Mathieu Orfila is known as the father of forensic toxicology. He was a Spanish-born chemist who established toxicology as a scientific discipline and developed methods for detecting poisons in human tissues. His work laid the foundation for modern forensic toxicology.
Mathieu Orfila is known as the father of forensic toxicology. He was a Spanish-born French chemist who made significant contributions to the field of toxicology and forensic science in the early 19th century. Orfila's work helped establish toxicology as a legitimate scientific discipline and laid the foundation for modern forensic toxicology techniques.
Mathieu Orfila is known as the father of forensic toxicology. He created a way more accurately test for arsenic poisoning which was common at the time.
undoubtedly Paracelsus- The father of Toxicology
Paracelsus is considered the father of modern toxicology. He was a Swiss physician, alchemist, and astrologer who is known for his contributions to the understanding of the effects of chemicals on biological systems. His famous quote "The dose makes the poison" is a fundamental principle in toxicology.
The father of forensic medicine and toxicology is considered to be Mathieu Orfila, a Spanish-born French chemist and toxicologist. He is widely recognized for his pioneering work in toxicology and forensic medicine during the early 19th century. Orfila's research laid the foundation for modern forensic science practices.
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Mathieu Orfila is known as the father of forensic toxicology. He made significant contributions to the field by developing methods to detect poisons in the human body through chemical analysis in the early 19th century. Orfila's work helped establish toxicology as a legitimate science used in criminal investigations and legal proceedings.
Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila, a Spanish toxicologist, is considered one of the early contributors to forensic toxicology. He is known for his research in poisoning and his development of techniques to detect poisons in the human body, laying the foundation for modern forensic toxicology.
Society of Toxicology was created in 1961.