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He created a physic law, not sure of the name but it basically states what goes up must come down (gravity).

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Q: Who is Isaac Newton and why is he important?
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Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion. These should not be confused with the laws of planetary motion by Keplar

Why is it important to get to know isaac newton through his work?

Getting to know the work is important. Getting to 'know' Newton may be interesting, but the real important part is Newton's work.

Why it is important to get to know isaac newton through his work?

Getting to know the work is important. Getting to 'know' Newton may be interesting, but the real important part is Newton's work.

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Sir Isaac Newton did not have a nickname. He was simply known as Sir Isaac Newton during his lifetime.

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Isaac's father was also named Isaac newton.

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"Isaac Newton was Sit Isaac Newton's real name.

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Isaac Newton Clark has written: 'Isaac Newton Clark'

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Isaac Newton the Elder, Iaac Newton was named after his father.

What is isaac newton's dad's name?

Isaac Newton