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THE LEVEL ON the pyramid that has the most biomass is the tertiary level.

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3mo ago

The level on the energy pyramid with the most biomass is usually the bottom level, which consists of producers like plants and algae. These organisms have the highest biomass because they are able to convert the energy from the sun into food through photosynthesis.

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14y ago

The bottom; each level requires about ten times its biomass in the level below it in order to get enough energy.

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Trophic Level #1

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The lowest one (producers).

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Q: What level on the energy pyramid has the most biomass?
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In a energy pyramid which level has the most available energy?

The producers (such as plants) at the bottom level of an energy pyramid have the most available energy. As you move up the pyramid to higher trophic levels, energy is lost through metabolic processes and heat, resulting in less energy being available to organisms at higher levels.

Where is the most energy Available in the energy pyramid?

The most energy in an energy pyramid is typically found at the base, with the primary producers (such as plants) converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Each level up the pyramid contains less energy as it is transferred through the food chain.

Where is the least energy found in the energy pyramid?

The last level of the energy pyramid...secondary,tertiary...

Which level the energy pyramid contains the most energy?

The bottom level which contains plants has the most energy. This is because they get their energy directly from the sun while other animals get it from plants themselves, or other animals. Animals cannot absorb 100% of the energy when they eat plants so the level of energy degrades all the way to the top of the food chain. Each animal gets less and less % of the energy the plant had in the first place.

Why is an energy pyramid shaped as a pyramid?

An energy pyramid is shaped like a pyramid because it represents the flow of energy through an ecosystem, with energy decreasing at each trophic level as it is transferred from one organism to another. The pyramid shape illustrates the decrease in available energy as you move up the food chain, with primary producers at the base having the most energy, followed by herbivores, then carnivores.

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In an energy pyramidthe most energy is available at which level of the pyramid?

in an energy pyramid , the most energy is available at which level of the pyramid

What are the concept of an ecological pyramid?

An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the trophic levels (different feeding levels) within an ecosystem. It shows the flow of energy or biomass from one trophic level to the next, with producers at the bottom and top predators at the top. There are three types: pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass, and pyramid of energy.

What is a pyramid of Biomass to do with a pyramid of Numbers?

Pyramids of Numbers show the numbers of species involved in a simple food chain. The problem with pyramids of Numbers is that in some events the pyramid is not pyramid shaped. For example, When using aphids and tomato plants as an example, there will be hundreds of aphids feeding on the tomato plant, giving the pyramid an inverse-pyramid shape. Pyramids of Biomass, however, do not take into account the numbers involved, but rather the mass. This is not only sometimes of a higher scientific value, but in most cases this will form a pyramid.

What level of the energy pyramid contains the most energy?

The bottom of the pyramid contains the most energy.

How does a biomass pyramid differ by showing each tropical level?

A biomass pyramid displays the total biomass at each trophic level in an ecosystem. In a typical pyramid, the biomass decreases as you move up the trophic levels, with primary producers at the base having the most biomass. In a tropical ecosystem, the biomass pyramid may be inverted due to high turnover rates and rapid growth and reproduction of organisms, leading to a larger biomass of consumers compared to producers.

What does a biomass pyramid present?

Biomass - the total dry weight of the organisms in a trophic levelBiomass Pyramid - a diagram showing the biomass at each trophic level of a food chainA pyramid of biomass shows energy lost in each trophic level while a pyramid of numbers shows the numbers of the organisms in each trophic level

How does the 10 percent rule relate to the biomass pyramid?

The 10 percent rule states that only about 10 percent of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem, resulting in a smaller biomass available at higher trophic levels. This is reflected in the biomass pyramid, where each successive trophic level has less biomass than the level below it due to energy loss through respiration, heat, and waste.

Who has most energy at the pyramid level?

Producers have the most energy at the pyramid level because they manufacture food from inorganic raw materials.

Which level of an energy pyramid has the most available energy?

The producer level has the most available energy.

What are the three ecological pyramids of environmental studies. Explain their types?

The three ecological pyramids are the energy pyramid (showing energy transfer between trophic levels), the biomass pyramid (illustrating the biomass present at each trophic level), and the pyramid of numbers (depicting the number of organisms at each trophic level). Each type provides a visual representation of the flow of energy, biomass, and number of organisms within an ecosystem.

How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compare to the amount of energy available to the next level?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.

How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compared to the next level up?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.