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Low power objectives cover a wide field of view and they are useful for examining large specimens or surveying many smaller specimens. This objective is useful for aligning the microscope. The power for the low objective is 10X.

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Q: Which objectives of microscope covers a wider field?
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How many objectives does your microscope have what are they called?

A typical microscope has two main objectives: the low-power objective and the high-power objective. The low-power objective provides a wider field of view at lower magnification, while the high-power objective allows for closer inspection at higher magnification.

Is the depth of field on a dissecting microscope less than the depth of field on a compound microscope?

Yes, the depth of field on a dissecting microscope is greater than on a compound microscope. This is because the dissecting microscope has lower magnification, allowing for a wider field of view and greater depth perception.

What happens to the field of view of a microscope from changing objectives from one to another?

Changing objectives on a microscope leads to a change in magnification, which in turn affects the field of view. As magnification increases, the field of view typically decreases, meaning you see a smaller area of the sample. Conversely, decreasing magnification usually results in a wider field of view, allowing you to see more of the specimen at once.

How can each objectives of the microscope be identified if the identification marks are removed?

The objectives of a microscope can be identified by observing their magnification power. Lower magnification objectives (4x, 10x) are typically shorter and wider, while higher magnification objectives (40x, 100x) are longer and narrower. Additionally, the numerical aperture and magnification factor marked on the objective may provide clues to help identify them.

What is the relationship between the diameter of the microscope field and its magnification?

As the magnification of a microscope increases, the diameter of the field of view decreases. This is because higher magnification allows for more detailed observation of objects, but with a narrower field of view. Conversely, lower magnification provides a wider field of view but with less magnification.

What are the advantages of using low power objective for initial viewing?

Low power objectives provide a wider field of view, making it easier to locate specimens and navigate the slide. They also allow for quicker scanning of the sample to get an overview before moving to higher magnifications. Additionally, using a lower magnification helps reduce the risk of accidentally damaging the lens or slide.

Which objective scanning low power or high power allows you to observe the greatest number of cells within the field of view?

Scanning a specimen using a low-power objective allows you to observe the greatest number of cells within the field of view. Low-power objectives have a lower magnification but a wider field of view compared to high-power objectives, enabling a broader view of the specimen.

Why should you always view a slide at a power first?

When viewing specimens or objects under a microscope, it should be set to a low power first. This allows for a wider field of view that makes an object easier to locate.

Why should you always view a slide at low power?

When viewing specimens or objects under a microscope, it should be set to a low power first. This allows for a wider field of view that makes an object easier to locate.

What is the 'field of view'?

The field of view is the extent of the observable world that is visible through a lens or optical instrument at any given moment. It is typically measured in degrees and describes the width of the visible scene. A wider field of view allows you to see more of the surrounding environment.

How is a stereo microscope different from a compound microscope?

A stereo microscope provides a three-dimensional view of the sample being observed, with lower magnification levels and a wider field of view compared to a compound microscope. In contrast, a compound microscope offers higher magnification levels and is used to view thinner samples in two dimensions.

What objective allows you to see the largest area of the object you are viewing?

The objective with the lowest magnification (usually 4x) allows you to see the largest area of the object you are viewing. It provides a wider field of view compared to objectives with higher magnifications.