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In cell phones, refrigerator doors, automobiles, CRT type televisions, speakers, ect...

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Q: Which magnets are used in everyday life?
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Related questions

What are magnets used for in everyday life?

omg everything

Name 1 use for magnets in everyday life?

Magnets are used in everyday life for holding items on refrigerators, such as notes and photos.

Are magnets used in everyday life?

yes, they keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed.

Name one use of magnets in everyday life?

One of the most common use for magnets is on cupboard doors to hold them closed you will also find magnets in lots of electrical devices because they are a main component in speakers of all sizes even the tiny ones used in phones. I could go on and on but you only asked for one and I gave you two.

How do children use magnets in everyday life?

to answer questions like this using their computer

What is an everyday use for scrap heap magnets?

They are used everyday to move scrap iron around the scrap yard...

When do you use magnets you in everyday life?

inside fridge door, inside your toaster, and all the motors in the house

Uses of magnets in everyday life?

To seal your frig door; inside your toaster; in all the motors in your house.

What are some of the uses of magnets and electromagnets in our daily life?

Magnets are used in everyday items like refrigerator doors, speaker systems, and magnetic toys. Electromagnets are used in devices such as MRI machines, electric motors, and generators. Both magnets and electromagnets play crucial roles in technology, transportation, and healthcare.

Where are magnets used in daily life?

in alternators

What are some ways plutonium is used in everyday life?

Plutonium is not used in everyday life.

How are ldrs used in everyday life?

Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.