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Q: Which is the best insulator to keep cold water?
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Does insulation keep things cold?

yes and hot too. Insulation is a heat barrier -- it tries to prevent heat exchange between the two sides. Vacuum is the best. Then air. Metals are the worst. ====================

Why are yurts useful?

In the summer they keep it cool and when it is cold it acts like an insulator.

What word means substances that keep warm things warm and cold things cold?

Things which keep warm things warm and cold things cold are referred to as insulators.

What is an example of water as an insulator?

An example of water acting as an insulator is in a thermos flask. The layer of water between the inner and outer walls of the flask helps to maintain the temperature of the liquid inside by reducing heat transfer through conduction or convection. This insulating property of water helps to keep hot liquids hot and cold liquids cold for extended periods of time.

What can a thermal insulator not do?

A thermal insulator is totally incapable of answering this question

Is fiberglass a good insulator?

yes it is. its keep the cold in and the hot air outside and vice versa.

Does foam keep things cold?

Yes it would as insulators keep in the heat and keep it out depending on whether the item is hot or cold.

Why a bottle with many layers can keep water colder for a longer period?

Because there is lots of air pockets, and air is an excellent insulator so it keeps the cold inside the bottle.

Why are newspapers used to keep cold foods cold?

Newspaper is a good heat/cold insulator. In England they are traditional for keeping fish 'n chips warm

What is the purpose of penguins to puff up their feathers?

to keep them warm and to keep water away from they re body

Does wood keep an object warm or cold?

yes, wood is an insulator so it keeps things warm.

How does fur help Arctic animals keep warm?

Fur is a good insulator and protects them against the cold.