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Q: Which best describes scientific method the conclusion is it not important or does it come at the end of the process or does it comes first or does it come after the hypothesis?
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Why is it important to write a conclusion to prove a hypothesis?

it is important to write a conclusion to prove a hypothesis because then you have no evidence if your hypothesis was tested or correct or not. from Rezwan Haque I.S.204 Academy Harvord. class 620

Is it important for scientists to state a conclusion?

It is important for scientists to state a conclusion in order to compare their hypothesis to the data that they observed.

What is an important step in scientific investigation?

An important step in a scientific investigation is forming a hypothesis.

What are the seven step of the scietific method?

There is no 7th step only 5 scientific method steps they are; problem,hypothesis,experiment,data,conclusion. You always need to have a problem to focus on. The hypothesis is very important, a hypothesis is a educated guess to test if your theory OS correct. You need to conduct a experiment to see if your hypothesis is correct. You need to collect data to back up your hypothesis. And last but my least a conclusion to prove if your hypothesis is right or wrong

What are the most important controls needed in this experiment?

It is a conclusion,variable,a hypothesis,procedure,and data.

Why does scientific method include a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an important part of the scientific process because it is the initial generation of a proposed explanation for a natural phenomenon and can be tested by experiments.

Why is it important for scientists to state a conclusion?

To clearly state why the experiment was performed

Why planning experiments are important to scientific study?

It is important to plan experiments because if you don't know what you are going to do, and you get something wrong, then you wont know how to correct the procedure so it will work. If you plan an experiment, then you can always go back and read it.

Why is it important to develop a scientific hypothesis that is testable?

Having a testable hypothesis is crucial because it allows for experiments to be designed to either support or refute the hypothesis. This helps to ensure that the conclusions drawn from the research are based on evidence. Testable hypotheses also promote reproducibility and reliability in scientific studies.

When is your scientific hypothesis important?

The importance of a hypothesis is measured by its explanatory power. If you have a valid explanation for some previously mysterious or unknown phenomenon, and if your explanation can be experimentally verified, then that is important.

How is a scientific hypothesis best evaluated?

A scientific hypothesis is best evaluated through the scientific method, which involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions. The hypothesis should be testable, falsifiable, and reproducible to be considered valid. Peer review and replication of experiments by other scientists are also important for evaluating the validity of a hypothesis.

Why is the hypothesis so important to scientific method?

because it provides you the acrossing momentum of H20