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Q: Where does water go when it enters the roots?
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What does Water enters the plants roots and move where?


Where does water enter the plant?

Water enters a plant through the roots. The roots absorb water from the soil through root hairs and transport it up through the stem to the rest of the plant.

What roots of a plant does most water enter?

It enters the most through the fibrous roots

Water enters a plant through which structures?

roots/root hairs.

Where does water enter a plant?

Water enters a plant primarily through its roots. The roots absorb water from the soil through a process called osmosis, and then transport it upwards through the plant's stem to reach the leaves and other parts of the plant.

What enters through the stomata light carbon dioxide or water?

Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata during photosynthesis, not light or water. Water is typically absorbed by roots and transported through the plant's vascular system.

Where does the water go When water percolates through the grounds?

It enters an aquifer.

How do water and minerals enter the leaves?

Water enters the leaves through the roots via the xylem tissue, a system of water-conducting cells. Minerals are absorbed from the soil by the roots and transported through the xylem with water. These substances then travel from the roots, through the stem, and eventually reach the leaves where they are used for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.

Where does water enter plant?

Water enters a plant primarily through the roots via a process called osmosis. The roots absorb water from the soil along with essential nutrients, which is then transported through the plant's vascular system to the leaves for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.

When does water percolates through the ground it go?

It enters an aquifer.

What enters the plant through its roots?

Water and minerals enter the plant through its roots. Water is absorbed by the root hairs and transported through the plant to the leaves, where it plays a vital role in photosynthesis. Minerals are also absorbed by the roots and transported throughout the plant to support various cellular functions.

How roots take water?

Well,roots have tiny pores,so when water goes through the soil and reaches the roots,the pores absorb the water which circulate and go to other parts of the plant.