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The word "gas" in English comes from Greek "chaos".

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Q: Where did the word gas come from with humans?
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How can humans affect gas?

humans can affect gas as the us to much off it

Is gasoline matter?

Yes.... It is a liquid. People may confuse it as a gas since it has the word GAS in it. But its not when you pour gasoline, you can see liquid come out.

Which gas is essential for humans?

Oxygen is essential to humans. We breathe it in.

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Cows can't survive on gas alone. Neither can humans. Both cows and humans need food and water to survive, not just oxygen (which is a gas we breathe).

What is an opening for fume or smoke to escape mean?

a vent

What iype of gas do humans need to breath?

Oxygen is the gas humans and animals need to breathe in.

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Crude oil, gas, coal are three examples of fossil fuels. Once used, they can't be replaced by humans.

Can pretty babys come out of pretty humans?

yes!!! pretty babys can come out of pretty humans

Humans are they a solid a liquid and a gas?

Humans are part solid and part liquid.