To reduce global warming, I try to recycle paper and water bottles as often as I can. When I finish my water bottles,i put it in the recycling bin. My mom told me that if you recycle,you are helping the environment. If we recycle everything we produce, the world will be a much better place.
make a recycle bin for cans paper plastic you can also make composts
If you're talking about the Recycling Bin in a PC, it's used to delete files to prevent taking up space in your hard drive/ other storage device. If you mean the recycle bin for waste, it's used to hold recyclable objects such as tin cans, glass bottles, cardboard, paper, etc. so that it can be later taken to a recycling center so those items may be reused. "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!"
If your question is 'Why is it important to recycle?" then the answer would be, "It is important to recycle because recycling reduces stress on our environment and save billions of dollars a year. Without recycling the price for a piece of paper or a water bottle would increase dramatically. So Reduce, Reuse, Recycle."
You can just reuse your water bottles to recycle
* Paper * Plastic water bottles (but not the cap) * Cardboard * Glass bottles
You can really recycle anything but mostly cans,paper,water ect. bottles,plastic and more!
Recycle bins can be filled with cans, bottles or paper but they need to be separated.
Talk to Clarissa on Polar Isle. She will tell you that she needs 24 plastic bottles and labels to go on those bottles. If you ask her for a hint, she will tell you that you can get the bottles in the Chillton General store. Go there and buy the bottles for $2,000. When you ask the owner where you can make the labels, he will tell you there is a "paper-maker" in Tropicton. The paper-maker is Trayja and she will make the labels for you.Take the labels and bottles back to Clarissa and you've completed the quest!By: Alexandra on Chestnut
we can recycle cans,pop bottles,aluminum,cardboard,paper,newspaper and other stuff like that
Reuse, Reduce, Recycle! Recycle and reuse, paper, plastic, and glass (Bottles)!
Depending on context, recycle can be translated aswiederverwertenrecyclenrückführenPapierkorb (computer, recycle bin)
To effectively remove paper labels from glass bottles, soak the bottle in warm, soapy water to loosen the adhesive. Then, gently peel off the label and use a scrubbing pad or sponge to remove any remaining residue.
Recycle is the mostly over looked in our society because we are getting more bottles and paper etc that's why
At your business, you can recycle cans, paper, boxes, and even plastic water bottles.
Placing water bottles, soda cans, paper, etc. into a recycling bin instead of the trash can.