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kites were made in 789

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Q: When were kites first made in china?
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When were kites first made?

in 900 bcQuoted from Wikipedia:Kites were used approximately 2,800 years ago in China...

What countries-cultures have used kites?

Kites were first invented in China. However, they have been used in countries all over the world, including New Zealand, India, and Europe, and the United States.Ê

Why were kites made?

chinaThe earliest known kite was from 2300 B.C. they were invented in ChinaNo one can tell for sure where the first kite was made.The is no doubt that the kite originated in Asia but if China claims to have the most ancient writings about kites, the Malay people (nowadays spread mainly in an area comprising Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, are actually just as likely, or even more likely, to have invented the kite.As seafarers, their knowledge of the wind, lines and sails materials was much greater than that of the Chinese. Even before paper was invented, in areas where fabric was not available or too costly, the most ancient types of kites may have had sails made from large single or assembled leaves, or from any other woven natural material similar to those used for making boat sails.The tradition for making these kites is still alive in Indonesia nowadays, notably in Sulawesi and Lombok islands.In many aspects the kite traditions of the Malay are more diverse and stronger than those of the Chinese. This is why, although there will never be any real evidence, some kite experts believe the kite first appeared in South East Asia rather than in mainland China.

Where are sperrys made?

They are made in China now.

What types of kites are there?

All kites can be broken down into three basic groups: box kites, flat kites (most common one being the diamond kite) and soft kites. Here are some links to show you some examples: Box Kites: Flat Kites: Soft Kites:

Related questions

Who invented kites?

Kites were first invented in ancient China over 2,000 years ago. It is believed that the Chinese philosopher Mozi was one of the first individuals to develop kites as objects for military signaling and measuring distances.

When were the first kites flown?

The first kites were flown in China around 2,000 years ago, during the Han dynasty. These early kites were made of silk and bamboo.

Who was the first person to invent kites and where?

The first written accounts of kites was in China in 200 BC.

What country was the first to fly kites?


Who were the makers of kites?

Kites were first invented in China approximately 2,800 years ago.

When were kites first made?

in 900 bcQuoted from Wikipedia:Kites were used approximately 2,800 years ago in China...

Where do kites originate from?

The Chinese were the first people to make kites and flying kites is still a very popular passtime in China.

What were the first kites made out of?


What were the first Chinese kites made from?

It was made during the Fring-Shang-Whung Dynasty in the land of the Madah. Or some even said that it was made during the reign of Uriel Septum.

What country were kites invented?

Kites were invented in China

Did kites fly successfully?

the first kites were made by Benjamin Franklin and did not fly successfully.

Who was the first person in China who invented kites?

shut up who ever said that