It depends how old the sock is and how many times it's been used.
the first crane was made in 1887
Fan, because the blades move faster than a dryer.
sock rug toy coins jewelry
kites were made in 789
in your penis
bob marley
It was made in England. In the Victorian Era.
Well Jesus loved them and he would eat them.
A wool sock is what it sounds like... A sock made from wool... You get wool from a sheep.
The invention of the first foot sock is credited to the Ancient Greeks, who created a precursor to the modern sock called "piloi." These early foot coverings were made from animal skins and fur and were worn as a form of protection and warmth.
People don't think this but the first puppets were sock puppets made out of sacks and straws. They were made by people in America in
sock puppets were made in world war three. Hitler an the Jews were the ones that invented them
Sock yarn, as its name implies, is generally made from standard yarn. However, sock yarn can be made from virtually any form of fiber, such as wool or nylon.
A sock monkey is a stuffed animal made of soft fabric with soft stuffing. A sock monkey is "cool" for a child under 8 years old, and it makes a good keepsake.