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Q: When should your teacher require you to wear safety equipment like goggles?
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Related questions

What lab safety equipment do the student use in the classroom?

Safety Goggles

What two pieces of safety equipment protect your eyes?

goggles/safety glasses

What type of safety equipment should be worn during experiments?

safety goggles

What is the most common type of safety equipment that you use in the lab?

Safety goggles, apron, gloves

What equipment do you need to go with a Bunsen burner?

You need safety goggles

What safety equipment should always be used when working with or chemicals?


What safety equipment should always be used when working with glass chemicals?


When conducting experiments in the lab that involve hazardous chemicals what safety equipment should be worn at all times?

Safety goggles

What type of personal protective equipment used in the lab protects the eyes?

Safety glasses or goggles protect the eyes in a laboratory. Sometimes a face shield is used on top of those.GogglesSafety goggles and safety spectacles.

Where can industrial safety supplies be purchased?

Industrial safety supplies such as safety boots, safety goggles and first aid kits can be purchased from a variety of stockists both online and at safety supply equipment retailers.

What lab safety equipment do the students use in the classroom?

In a classroom, students should not need to use any laboratory safety equipment. Lab safety equipment such as splash goggles, full foot covering, lab coat, etc., should be used when students are in a teaching laboratory.

How do you use safety goggles incorrectly?

never use safety goggles underwater.