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Q: When might you need to use a thermometer in the lab Describe a situation?
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Why do you not use clinical thermometer to measure the temperature of boiling water?

Because they don't go that high. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, so there's no need for a clinical thermometer to cover a range much higher than expected for body temperature; they might need to go up to say 45 tops (and if someone has a body temperature of 45 degrees Celcius, they're either dead or dying).

Does digital thermometer has kink?

No need for such kink since the maximum temperature sensed could be recorded and can be seen at any time.

In getting the temperature of tap water why must the bulb of the thermometer be submerged in the water?

Because you need to measure the temperature of water, not the air.

Why is there a need for us to shake the clinical thermometer prior to each use?

If the clinical thermometer is a mercury based thermometer, it needs to be shaken down prior to each use. This is because there is a pinch point between the mercury reservoir bulb and the capillary tube, to ensure that the mercury does not shrink back into the bulb after the temperature has been taken. The mercury has therefore to be shaken back into the bulb before another measurement can be made. One should note that in many countries use of mercury based clinical thermometers is now discouraged (because mercury is toxic) and electronic thermometers are used in stead - these do not need shaking.

Why do researchers need to apply their generalization to a similar situation?

because they will just come up with the same result.

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When might you need to use a thermometer in a lab?

You might need to use a thermometer in a lab to measure the temperature of a sample or solution, monitor the temperature of a reaction, or ensure that a process is carried out at a specific temperature for accuracy and reproducibility of results.

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People will need to be sure to include skills and abilities that they used to get the job done while there were unforeseen problems. They will, however, need to describe a situation within their own experience to answer the question.

Where is the thermometer on shrink ray island?

you dont need a thermometer

What Is a sentences for thermometer?

I will need a new outdoor thermometer for the garden.

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You will need a lawyer for a current, correct and legal answer for the situation you describe.

When using the ice point method for calibrating thermometer you need to place the thermometer in the ice water you need to adjust the thermometer until is read what degrees?

When using the ice point method for calibrating a thermometer, you need to place the thermometer in a mixture of ice and water. Adjust the thermometer until it reads 0 degrees Celsius, the freezing point of water. This helps ensure that the thermometer is accurately measuring temperatures.

How do you tell how hot or cold something is?

use a thermometer.We can feel how hot or cold something is. However, sometimes things are just too hot or cold for us to feel safely. At other times we need to know exactly how hot or cold something is. When we need to measure temperature correctly we need to use an instrument called a thermometer. This measures temperature in degrees Celsius [sometimes called centigrade] or degrees Fahrenheit. There are different types of thermometers for different situations. A medical thermometer, for example, needs to be very accurate. It measures in fractions of degrees. When we are ill, even tiny changes in temperature are important. Some thermometers use a liquid that moves up a very fine glass tube. Most room thermometers, and outdoor thermometers are like this. The liquid is either mercury [ which is poisonous] or coloured alcohol. As liquids get warmer they expand [get bigger], and move up the tube. Water expands too, but not as much as alcohol and mercury. Thermometers that might be used by small children are not made of glass. They use a digital display which lights up the temperature. Inside the displays are chemicals that change colour according to the temperature.

What people might need to use a thermometer in their jobs?

Its basically because that they need to find the temperature inside of the place so that they can control the air conditioner proper for the weather or the coldness

What are some reasons to postpone a trial?

YOu might need more time to obtain counsel. Or your counsel might need more time to prepare your case. Or you might have a situation, like a medical situation, you have to have done and need your criminal case postponed until you are healthy enough to attend. These are only a few possible reasons to postpone a trial.

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A person will need to describe a situation within their own experiences to answer this question. Someone will not be able to know how someone else has performed this task.