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Q: When measuring the breathing rate of fish over time the variable is independent or dependent?
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Does the independent or dependent variable change?

The Independent variable is the one you control. The dependent variable is controlled by the Independent Variable.

Independent and dependent are types of this in science?

Variables. A dependant variable is dependent upon the independent variable - it is usually the unit that you are measuring eg mL, degrees, m etc.An independent variable is what youa re measuring - generally a question, object etc.When writing an experiment, it is important to identify these variables, as teachers like to mark them.

Is the independent variable the one that does not change?

No, as the name Variable implies, it can and does change. Since it is 'Independent' its change is not a direct effect of the change of any other Variable. Additionally, the independent variable depends on the dependent variable.

What is a dependent and indenpendent variale?

A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

What are independent and dependent variables?

The independent variable is also called an experimental variable. It is the variable being manipulated in the experiment in order to show the effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is also called the response variable. It is the variable being observed in the experiment. A change in the independent variable is what causes the change (if any) in the dependent variable, which is the purpose of the experiment.

Related questions

How is independent and dependent variables measured?

Independent Variable is what you are CHANGING and Dependent Variable is what you are MEASURING ! get at me on aim if i helped Gurlsofly5

What are the independent dependent and control variables?

The independent variable is the thing you are changing/varying. The dependent variable is the thing you are measuring. This variable should be affected by the independent variable. Control variables are anything that must be kept constant. If there are any other factors which affect the dependent variable, then these need to be controlled so that they do not have any significant effect (basically ensuring that you are actually measuring the effects of the independent variable).

What is the behavior or mental process where the impact of the independent variable is measured?

That process is known as measuring the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the outcome or response that is measured to assess the effect of changing the independent variable in an experiment or study.

What are the independent and dependent variables of how fertilizer affects plant growth?

Independent variable: the amount of fertilizer applied to the plants. Dependent variable: the growth of the plants, typically measured by height or biomass.

What do you measure in an experiment?

In an experiment, you measure the dependent variable, which is the factor being tested or studied to determine its relationship with the independent variable (the factor you are manipulating). The data collected from measuring the dependent variable helps to analyze the effects of the independent variable.

What is independent a dependent variables?

The independent variable is the variable that is altered by the scientist, and the dependent variable's value is dependent on the value of the independent variable.

Which variable is independent and which variable is dependent?

and independent variable is bigger than a dependent variable

What causes change in a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.

What is the dependent and independent variables in a caffeine study?

The independent variable is the thing you are changing. The dependent variable is the result you are trying to measure. In a caffeine study, the amount of caffeine given to a subject would probably be the independent variable. The dependent variable would be what you are measuring, like moodiness, apparent energy, kidney function, etc.

What is the dependent and independent in a experiment?

The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.

Does the independent or dependent variable change?

The Independent variable is the one you control. The dependent variable is controlled by the Independent Variable.

Independent and dependent variable?

Math: Independent variable is what you change. Dependent variable is what you measure.