Spores are lighter (make that less dense).
Seed dispersal helps to spread the seeds of a plant far away from the parent plant. This helps to avoid overcrowding. this also helps the baby plant to receive all nutrients it needs without fighting with the adult plants.
A pumpkin is a fruit - the seeds are contained in a sweet fleshy material - animals eating the pumpkin will invariably ingest some of the seeds and will disperse them in their excrement.
kiwi is a tasty fleshy fruit so the animals will come along and eat it and then pass it as faeces and then it will grow. The seeds are very hard so the animal cannot digest them
When seeds are dispersed by explosion, the force of the explosion sends seeds scattering in all different directions. The following is a list of plants in which this method of dispersal occurs: Broom, Eurphorbia, Geranium, Viola, Ceanothus, Oxalis, Lupin, Erodium, and Lathyrus. Please refer to the Related Link to view pictures of each of the plants and to read more information about the dispersal of seeds in each.
wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal and mechanical dispersal
Seeds can be transferred through various methods, including wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal, and self-dispersal mechanisms. Wind dispersal involves seeds being carried by the wind, water dispersal occurs when seeds float in water to new locations, animal dispersal happens when seeds are ingested by animals and deposited elsewhere, and self-dispersal mechanisms include seed pods that burst open to release seeds or seeds that are propelled away by the plant itself.
wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal and mechanical dispersal
The spreading out of seeds from the original plant is called dispersal.
Mechanical dispersal of seeds typically occurs through mechanisms like explosive seed pods, wind dispersal, or animal dispersal. Characteristics that aid in mechanical dispersal include lightweight seeds, winged structures for wind dispersal, or structures that allow for explosive release of seeds.
The four main dispersal methods are wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal, and self-dispersal. Wind dispersal involves seeds or spores being carried by the wind, water dispersal involves seeds or spores being carried by water currents, animal dispersal involves seeds or spores being carried by animals, and self-dispersal involves seeds or spores being dispersed by the plant itself.
Three mechanisms for seed dispersal are wind dispersal (seeds carried by wind currents), animal dispersal (seeds carried by animals), and water dispersal (seeds carried by water currents). Adaptations for seed dispersal include structures like wings or hairs on seeds that aid in wind dispersal, fruit that attracts animals to eat and disperse seeds, and buoyant seed coats that enable water dispersal.
What does dispersal mean?
Seeds can spread through wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal (by being eaten and passed through the digestive tract), and human dispersal (by being carried unknowingly on clothing or shoes).
Dispersal by splitting
I think it's zoochory(the dispersal of seeds by means of animals/humans)
By dispersal of fruits and seeds of that plant