Alexandre F. Godefoy, a French salon owner, was the inventor of the hair dryer in 1890. There are no records on his death, leaving no date.
Alexander Godefoy invented hair dryer. The hair dryer came from a vacuum, connecting the exhaust from the vacuum to a hose. Later he improved the vacuum model and created the first electric hair dryer. It looked (and was) like a whole bunch of tuba tubes that blew air into your face and your hair to dry it. This early model was later improved by Chinese scientists into the modern hair dryer we have now.
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No you can not die! you might just throw up!
Millions of people die from landslides per year. 800 million die per year
Alexandre F Godefoy was born in France.
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He is the inventor of the electrical hairdryer
He invented the electronic blow dryer.
He created hairdryer in 1890s by taking inspiration from the vacuum cleaner.
in jail with a very rare disease, otuowudnicnlalewl.
Alexandre Godefoy invented the electric hair dryer in 1890.
Alexandre Godefroy did not invent anything notable in history. He was a French stylist and hairdresser known for his work in the beauty industry.
Correct me if Im wrong, but I believe it was Alexandre F. Godefoy in France end of the 19th century.
When did Alexandre Godefroy Died
Alexandre Marcel died in 1928.