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Q: Whats a example of stimulus control?
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What a plant or animal does after receiving a stimulus is an example of a?

What a plant or animal does after receiving a stimulus is an example of a reaction. If the stimulus is unexpected, the reaction is an involuntary one.

What is an example of an internal stimulus and an external stimulus?

external is thunder

What is the different between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus?

The difference between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus is that an external stimulus is a stimulus that comes from outside an organism. But an internal stumulus is a stimulus that comes from inside an organism. An example for an external stimulus can be that when you are cold, you put on a jacket. An example for an internal stimulus is that when you feel hungry, you eat food.

When is operant stimulus control achieved?

Operant stimulus control is achieved when a behavior consistently occurs in the presence of a specific stimulus due to its history of reinforcement or punishment. This means that the behavior is more likely to occur when that stimulus is present and less likely in its absence.

What is the name for a change in the environment that causes an organism to change its activity What is an example of a response What is an example of an internal stimulus?

stimulus,an example a insect touching the hair like figures on a venus fly trap

What is a example of external stimulus?

vagina power!

Is change in temperature an example of a stimulus?


What is an example of a stimulus and a response that involves the sense of smell?

An example of a stimulus involving the sense of smell is the scent of food. The response to this stimulus could be feeling hungry and having an increased appetite.

What is an explanation of stimulus and response?

example your mouth waters at sight of raw mangoes. it is called responsiveness to stimulus

What is conditing reflex?

an acquired response that is under the control of a stimulus

What is a conditioned reflex?

an acquired response that is under the control of a stimulus

Neutral stimulus is the same as what?

Neutral stimulus is the same as a conditioned stimulus before it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning. It is a stimulus that does not elicit a response initially, but can become a conditioned stimulus through association with an unconditioned stimulus.