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If all people still acted rationally, corteously and with consideration - nothing much. But since in all likelihood people would still be people, with all their faults and shortcoming odds are society would quickly break down into chaos and anarchy.

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Q: What would happen if you had no laws to folow?
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Yes, but they did not have laws to folow. If you are wanting to know what the rules are look it up.

Did new York colonies have rules or laws to follow?

Yes, but they did not have laws to folow. If you are wanting to know what the rules are look it up.

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It would depend on the severity of the disobedience.

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it would be considered breaking the laws

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Children would be working in sweatshops and nobody would have a living wage.

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That would depend on where you park it - different countries have different laws, even different cities have different laws.

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If the state laws had more power than federal laws the Constitution would have little to no power.

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