One liter of water weights one kilogram. Two cups of water would translate into 0.4732 liters. If you are using the US system of measurement, that would be 1.043 pounds.
=the one with less water because there is a less amount of liquid to heat up, so it would be heated up the quickest rather than the cup with more water.=
Humas need water, food, warmth and shelter to survive.
Try cleaning out or changing the aerator on the bad one.
the result of a water deficit would be that all the water is stored in one place in the ground which means that all the plants and crops would be flooded and the ground would be very wet and soggy, this means that there would be a shortage of corn, wheat, etc :)
by collecting water
Put a jar outside on a rainy day
with oxygen water and food you could live in a green house on mars if you can build one
No because it needs water air and sunlight to live.
One gallon of water in the summer would last a person about one day in a hot desert.
Water. Let's face it. What would a city be without water. It is one of the most important resources a city would need. And it does really need one. Imagine living in a city without water, not great is it. Because humans need water, regardless of whether we live in a city or not. But Water is a resource and London needs it. It;s attractive well, because, you wouldn't want to live in a desert would you? Yes, you would want to live in London, where there is a lot of water that you can drink, because, you need water.
Although the phosphoric acid would be a problem (from the Pepsi). I believe the sugars in the Pepsi would allow someone to live longer than just water. Water would not provide the needed nutrients to live much longer than a few months. Pepsi would likely sustain life for nearly one year.
some threats would be no water because it is all frozen and you need water to live.
Dust Collecting Volume One was created in 2007-02.
Because there might be water on it, but it's one of Jupiter's moons, so you're probably never going to live there...
Didn't you just ask this question? No one has ever been to Mars, how would we know?