There are different theories about the fate of the universe. I have my own theory about the fate of the universe. Here is the explanation. The rate of expansion in the universe is increasing with time. That means there is acceleration in the rate of expansion. It could not be explained by any theory. Here is the very simple explanation for this. There are multiple universes. One universe is surrounded by four extremely dense masses. The mass is collectively about the mass of our universe before the big bang occurred. These four extremely dense masses are surrounded by four universes. In short, it is a diamond like structure. Our universe is in the center of the pyramid. The number of universe in any cluster of the universes can be guessed by the number of atoms in a given diamond. The space in infinite. It can occupy many such diamonds in the space. So these extremely dense masses are pulling the galaxies or clusters of galaxies towards them. This is the explanation for the acceleration in the rate of expansion. Secondly you expect that masses from our universes to be diverted to those extremely dense masses. So you are supposed have four very big empty spaces in the space. One each on the four surfaces of the pyramid. They are voids. It is not expected that you should visualize all the four very big voids. You can see one very big void. Other small voids and hyper-dense masses are echos of these four voids and hyper dense masses. So this explains the non-uniform distribution of the masses in the space. Now the light has be coming from those outer universes to you in the form of 'glow' Then the question is this glow is not in the form of light. But in the form of microwave. You know that light is get bent as it passes from very dense objects in the space. That means the very high density exerts gravitational pull on light. Here the light from the outer universes is travelling via triangle of those extremely dense masses. These masses exert a pull on the light. As a result light loses some of it's energy and gets converted into microwave. You do not see this glow uniformly from all the sides. You can note the voids in this glow also, as can be expected. So the galaxies or cluster of galaxies from our universe is going to fall on those four extremely big masses. They will receive such clusters of galaxies from the universes that surrounds them. each will receive the galaxies from four universes that surrounds them. Then these four extremely big masses get enough mass to initiate the new big bangs. This process continues. But this is not the end of the story. There is exactly same amount of antimatter exists in the space as the amount of matter. So there has to be 'diamonds' of antimatter in the space. So equal amount of matter and antimatter gets generated from nothing in the universe. The equal amount of matter and antimatter gets annihilated. The time is infinite. So this has been taking place from infinite time and will continue to happen for the infinite period. I personally 'believe' that this is the design of 'Infinite God'. Further comments on the God is beyond the capacity of my tiny brain.
The average specific gravity of naturally occurring soils is 2.65 (equivalent to 2.65g/cm3). If you have a pile of soil, it won't be packed to zero air voids, so figure a void ratio of 0.65. That makes your cubic meter of soil weigh about 1722 kg.
No, silica gel is a gritty sand like material used to absorb water and thus keep humidity down in sensitive devices.Perhaps (considering your misspelling) you were thinking of silicone grease. Yes, silicone grease is a white colored sticky synthetic grease with good thermal conduction properties that is applied between a high wattage component and a heatsink. It is not as good a thermal conductor as metal, but is used primarily to prevent voids between the component and the heatsink which would cause hotspots.If a truly good thermal conductor is needed between a component and the heatsink, silver filled epoxy would be the best material.
Agents of chemical weathering depend on the climate and composition of the rock that is breaking down. Some Agents would include, water, oxygen, CO2, and acids. Temperature plays a significant role in chemical weathering. If it is warm and wet, the Chemical weathering process will increase. So, really it all depends.
Porosity= Volume of void space/ Total volume of the solidThis is a good way for soil, If you have the initial volume of the soil then all you have to do to find the void space is saturate it with water. As long as you know the weight different between before and after saturation you can find the void space because we know that water's density is about 1g/cm^3.So,Porosity= ((mass of saturated soil - mass of original soil) Density of water) / Volume of original soilThis also works.
if my partner gives mw a prenup do I need an attorney to sign the prenup?
A license does not mean you are married. The execution of the license is what makes you married, so no.
Prenup to Murder - 2013 The Fontainebleu Murders was released on: USA: 2013
as long as your married.
The cast of Prenup Butter - 2014 includes: Chris Matragos as Adam Philip Prajoux as Max
None. The voids will not be square or triangular.
Eye for an Eye - 2003 Flying Shrimp Prenup This was released on: USA: 31 March 2009
For Better or Worse - 2011 Prenup 2-33 was released on: USA: 30 November 2012
It can. A "prenup" can say just about what ever you want it to say...but the important part is that BOTH parties agree to the terms.
Angie Carlson and Michael Ballard have not publicly revealed if they have signed a prenup. Many couples keep this private.
Yes, a prenuptial agreement can be updated through a process called a postnuptial agreement, which allows couples to modify or amend the terms of their existing prenup after marriage.