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Q: What tool do scientist used to create modelsanalyze data and show results?
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Which tool is used by scientist to create models analyze data show results?


What two different ways scientist do not collect data?

When they are on holiday they do not collect data When they are writing up their results they do not collect data.

What should a scientist do after he or she experiments?

Record the data and form a conclusion based on the results.

Are data and results the same thing?

Oh, what a lovely question! Data and results are like different colors on our palette. Data is the raw material, like the colors on our palette, and results are what we create with that data, like a beautiful painting. Just like how we mix and blend colors to create a masterpiece, we analyze and interpret data to derive meaningful results.

Scientist use their data to make charts and what else to communicate the results of an experiment?


When analyzing data which the scientist look for?

When reviewing experimental data, scientists look for results that either support or disprove their theories. Additionally, they may seek patterns of results that either match previous results or that suggest another reason for the results.

WHEN analyzing data does the scientist look for?

When reviewing experimental data, scientists look for results that either support or disprove their theories. Additionally, they may seek patterns of results that either match previous results or that suggest another reason for the results.

How do you create a data table containing the required set of results?

Select the range of cells for that data table, referencecolumn and row input cells, and create the data table.

What do scientists use their data to make charts and to communicate the results of an experiment?

Scientists use data to create charts, graphs, and tables to visually represent their findings. These visualizations help simplify complex data and make it easier for others to understand the results of an experiment. It also allows for comparisons and patterns to be easily identified.

What should be done after data is collected for an experiment?

The scientist or student scientist should review the results. Conclusions should be drawn based on the results. Then, the hypothesis is reviewed to make sure the results confirm the hypothesis; if not, revise the hypothesis and rerun the experiment.