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Q: What term is defined as the patterned reccuring alternation of contrasting sounds?
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What term is defined as the patterned recurring alternation of contrasting sounds?

This term is defined as "rhythm". It refers to the patterned flow of sound in a poem or any form of literature often created through the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables.

What term is defined as the patterned recurring alternation of constracting sounds?

This term is defined as rhythm in music. It is the patterned sequence of sounds that creates a sense of movement and structure in a piece of music.

What term is defined as the patterned alternating of contrasting sounds?


What term is defined as the patterned recurring alternation of constrasting sounds?

This is known as "rhythm" in music. It refers to the pattern of sounds and silences that occur over time, creating a sense of movement and structure in music.

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What is the opposite of nepotism?

Nepotism is defined as: "patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics." Technically, the opposite of nepotism would be "anti-nepotism" or an "anti-nepotism policy." Although not an absolute opposite, the word "meritocracy" is defined as "A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement." which is sufficiently contrasting to the meaning of "nepotism".

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That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!

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Because that is how a yard is defined!Because that is how a yard is defined!Because that is how a yard is defined!Because that is how a yard is defined!