Primary is the main thing that happens. The side effect is what happens because of the Primary thing.
information you found
General purpose means it can be used for many things. Special purpose means only for a particular thing.
It's special because April has the highest number of tornado fatalities of any month, though strangely May has the highest number of tornadoes.
Not much happens when albumin is shaken. It may cause the protein to denature, or warm a bit when shaking.
special election.
because every thing happens by Allah's will
You may be looking for esteem here.
Who said they were , anyway. Who ever said it may of just been giving their opinion. I haven't heard of any special 'thing' about them.
It is nothing but a general thing. There is nothing special in that. That happens fairly often and it does.
The same thing that happens to any other car. There are no special provisions for hybrid vehicles.
Think about items that have a spring feel to them. Items like flowers are good for may.
For skin infections, topical Mupirocin. There are special compounds for others.
No, Santa does not come in Minecraft. There is no Santa mob or anything special that happens around Christmas, although sometimes Mojang temporarily implements a special little thing e.g Christmas themed chests.
it will show like this little grave thing that says r.i.p it may start you over or not
You get a card, which is worthless; nothing "Special" happens
Nothing special happens.