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Q: What sensors does the domestic robot have and how does the robot use these sensors?
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What sensors does the house hold robot have and how does the robot use these sensors?

Alot of them use a sonar-like sensors that emit soundwaves to help them "see".

What sensors does the robot have?

The sensors that an engineer puts on a robot are entirely dependent upon the functions that the engineer perceives that the the robot will be called upon to perform. Some, but not all, of the sensors may be: proximity sensors, pressure sensors, light sensors, magnetic sensors, a camera, temperature sensors, accelerometer, speed sensor... The question isn't, "what sensors does a robot have", but rather, "what sensors does the engineer think that the robot should have?"

How does a robot know about it's environment?

Using sensors it was programmed to use.

What is sensors does the polar robot have?

The Polar robot has multiple sensors, including infrared sensors for detecting obstacles, line-following sensors for tracking lines on the ground, and touch sensors for interacting with the environment. These sensors help the robot navigate its surroundings and perform tasks autonomously.

What sensors does a medical robot use?

it doesnt have any the doctor controls it. sincerley, the guy behing you

Does a robot have sensors?

not all do, but most do

What kinds of sensors are used to make sure the robot moves just right?

Robots use a variety of sensors such as proximity sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, encoders, and cameras to ensure precise movement. These sensors provide feedback on the robot's position, orientation, speed, and proximity to obstacles, allowing it to navigate its environment accurately. By using a combination of sensors, the robot can adjust its movements in real-time to avoid collisions and reach its target location effectively.

What sensors does asimo the robot have?

ASIMO the robot is equipped with various sensors such as cameras, force sensors in its feet, gyro sensors for balance, touch sensors on its hands, and infrared sensors for detecting objects and obstacles. These sensors help ASIMO interact with its environment, navigate, and perform tasks safely and efficiently.

What sensors do robot toys have and how are they used?


Do military robots have sensors?

Yes, of course. Sensors are necessary to check own status and/or of any object (like human target). Without sensors any robot is not able to search, find, indentify or even to move in difficult area. Sensors are important to receive feedback for the human, who is steering a robot. If robot is at automatic drive (no human is steering - only on software running) sensors are also very important to the robot to get any information about the outside, the surrounding of it.

What do robot sensors do?

Robot sensors detect different things and send different amounts of electricity to the Robot's controller board to tell their findings. Then the controller board uses these different amounts of electricity to interact with its surroundings. Example: Lets say you have a robot that is made to follow light. Lets say your robot has 3 light sensors. One in the front of your robot one on the right and one on the left side. The sensors will detect how much light is on the front, right, and left sides and send this data to the controller board. Then the controller board uses this data to tell the robot with direction to go.

What kinds of sensors are used to make sure the robot moves right?

Robots typically use a combination of sensors to move accurately, including wheel encoders for measuring distance traveled, gyroscopes for orientation, accelerometers for detecting changes in speed, and proximity sensors for obstacle detection. These sensors work together to provide real-time feedback to the robot's control system, ensuring it moves correctly.