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Q: What roles does science play in sports?
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What are the roles of sport in national development?

There are a number of roles that sports can play in national development. It could build unity or a common goal for example.

What is the effect of science and technology on sports and games?

Formerly we used to play games in various traditional ways. But science has given us so many new ways to play the same old games. We should be happy about the positive impacts of science on our games and sports.

What role does a good understanding of science play in this phenomenon?

A good understanding of science may play different roles relative to different phenomena. You have not specifically specified a specific phenomenon for discussion.

How does science change sports?

science makes sports boring.

What are the different roles in the science research team?


What is sports science?

Sports Science is a TV show that shows you what really happens to people when they are playing sports and how bad it can be

What Age Do People Start To Learn How To Take On Multiple Roles Through Team Sports And Organized Play?

Children typically begin to learn how to take on multiple roles through team sports and organized play around the age of 6-7 years old. This is when they start to understand their position within a team and how to work together with others to achieve a common goal. Through continued involvement in sports and play, children further develop these skills as they grow older.

What is the importance of science in sports?

you can use your science knowledge in sports even to win a game.

Who studies sports science?

Sports Scientist

How can I become a soccer coach?

Play the game, study the game, start at a lower level, take classes in sports science.

What types of sciences seeks to use knowledgeable for specific goals?

Sports Science

What roles did men play in Elizabethan sports?

They did bear baiting and dog and cock fighting. Also archery and wrestling were popular.