Watson and Crick ---- James Watson and Francis Crick won the 1962 prize for Medecine for this discovery.
One of his major accomplishments was the DNA double helix, this was created with Francis Crick. they were famous for discovering DNA.They were the first to find out about DNA.People loved to find out about stuff back then.People never knew that DNA was real. If James Dewey Watson didn't tell us about DNA we wouldn't be talking about it right now! The wonders the world has.
science is about discovering new things via the scientific method. For example, discovering new bacteria which may cause a new disease by isolating the bacteria, growing it and sequencing its DNA for example. applied science is using science for other purposes. all doctors and physiotherapists are applied scientists.
observing, experimenting and discovering
to gather informations... because science is discovering.
The lungs is response for discovering the structure of D N A
Discovering DNA
James Watson and Francis Crick....
Nobel prize
They Brought back his mom from the ocean and i saw the whole thing :) on movie
James Watson and Francis Crick are the two scientists who worked together in discovering the structure of DNA in 1953. Their discovery of the double helix structure of DNA revolutionized the field of molecular biology.
discovering the structure of DNA. the double helix
Jacobus Henricus, Watson and Crick
Watson & Crick discovering the structure of DNA
She was the first scientist to figure out what DNA looks like. It looked like a double helix or twisted ladder,
it was James Watson but, Rosalind Franklin actual discovered it! GO WOMEN!
Francis Crick and James Watson are credited with discovering the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. Their work, along with contributions from Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, laid the foundation for our understanding of genetics.