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Q: What research methods allows the experimenter to draw conclusions about cause and effect?
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What type of psychological research allows psychologists to draw casual conclusions?

Experimental studies

Which is an advantage of experimentation?

It allows the researcher to draw cause-and-effect conclusions with some confidence.

The only type of research that allows us to draw causal conclusions is?

Experiments are the only type of research from which conclusions can be made. This is because they are conducted in controlled settings and include a control group.

Which section of a research poster of paper allow es other scientists to repeat an experiment?

for a-plus biology answer to that question is: methods

What role scientific journals play in research?

Scientific journals support research because they list current and past research information. This information allows new research to be conducted using previous conclusions.

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What section of a research paper or poster allows scientist to repeat an experiment?

The methods section allows other scientists to repeat an experiment.

What section of a research poster or paper allows other scientists to repeat a experiment?

The methods section allows other scientists to repeat an experiment.

What section of research poster or paper allows other scientists to repeat an experiment?

The methods section allows other scientists to repeat an experiment.

What section of a research poster or paper allows others scientist to repeat an experiment?

The methods section allows other scientists to repeat an experiment.

Which section of a research poster or paper allows other scientists repeat an experiment?

The methods section allows the experiment to be repeated by other scientists.

Which section of research poster or paper allows other scientists to repeat an experiment?

The methods section allows the experiment to be repeated by other scientists.