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Q: What people would be most likely to use glittering generalities?
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Please would explain what you are really getting at?

How would you pronounce generalities?

jen-er-AL -i-teez

What is the opposite of detailed?

Disorganised is the opposite of detail oriented.

What propaganda technique is used in this example Maria is the best person for class president because she was in charge of the charity auction last year?

The propaganda technique used in this example is bandwagon, as it suggests that Maria is the best choice simply because she held a specific position in the past without providing any relevant qualifications or reasons why she would make a good class president.

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Young people would be most likely to lobby for money to pay for college.

What is generality?

Cultural generalities are practices and beliefs that are common with more then one culture but is not common among all. An example would be nuclear family.

Which group of people would have been most likely to live in suburbs?

Wealthy business owners would have been most likely to live in the suburbs.

Why would early people most likely to settle in deserts?

They most likely would not. They would be far more likely to settle by a source of water, fertile land and ample game.

What is glittering propaganda?

Glittering propaganda refers to persuasive communication that uses emotionally appealing language and imagery to glorify or glamorize a person, idea, or product without providing concrete evidence or balanced information. It aims to create a positive emotional response without necessarily conveying the full truth or potential drawbacks of the subject being promoted.

Experts anticipate that a incidents is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.

What incident do experts anticipate is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.

What incident do experts anticipate that is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.