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Q: What name is given to the air that we normally breathe in or out?
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List two ways in which the air you breathe in different from the air you breathe out?

you breathing is out and in and that is the breathing is changes is

Is the air you breathe out warmer or cooler than the air you breathe in?

We can say that air we breathe out is warmer, because if we breathe out on a mirror we can see droplets of water which means air is hotter compared to normal room temperature air because the room air condenses. Exhaled air is warmer than inhaled air because its the same room temperature air which we have taken in.

What is the effect of emphysema on inspiratory reserve volume?

The volume of air which you normally breathe in and out is called the tidal volume. This is normally about 500 cm3 when you are at rest. However if you breathe in as much as you can you can breathe in more than 500 cm3. The extra volume of air breathed in (inspiration) is called the inspiratory reserve volume.Similarly when you breathe out as much as you can, the extra volume of air breathed out (expiration) is called the expiratory reserve volume. These three volumes added together give you your vital capacity: the maximum volume of air you can breathe in or out. When you have breathed out as much as you can there is still some air left in your lungs ie you cannot empty your lungs completely. This volume is called the residual volume.The vital capacity plus the residual volume equals your total lung capacity. See

What organ helps you breathe the 282 cubic feet of air you need everyday?

Your diaphragm helps you breathe the air you need every day.

What is mean by air sanitation?

air sanitation is the cleaning of the air so it is easier to breathe and stuff

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What is the name of the gas that you breathe in from the air?

The gas you breathe in from the air is called oxygen.

How do use nitrogen normally?

Nitrogen takes up most of the air we breathe

What is the name of the air you breathe in?


What percentage of the air you breathe into your lungs is actually used by your body to function normally?

About 21% of the air you breathe in is oxygen, which is used by your body to function normally. The rest is made up of mostly nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases.

What do you call the air that can breathe in?

It is normally know as 'air' and air is made up mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is the gas that the body needs to survive.

What is the name of the hairs that help clean the air you breathe?

Cilia .

How will the air at the top of a mountain be different from the air at the base?

The air at the top of the mountain is less dense, meaning there are less particles of oxygen in a certain are than on the ground. It is harder to breathe because the air is so thin, there is not enough oxygen to breathe normally until you get used to it.

Mammals breathe air with what?

They breathe air with lungs.

Do rope fish breathe air?

They do breathe air.

How do bettas breathe?

Betta fish breathe air....yes... that's right... they breathe air. They breathe air because they have an organ by their gills that is called the Labyrinth's Organ which allows them to breathe air. They breathe air by coming up to the surface of the water. Then they gather air in their mouths and hold their breath underwater.

Do cheetahs breathe air?

Yes, cheetahs do breathe air.

What is another name for lack of wanting to breathe air?

committing suicide, trying to kill yourself, or to dumb it down not wanting to breathe.