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Does it fit all the known facts AND can it be tested against reality.

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Q: What must A hypothesis be considered scientific?
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Which two of the following characteristic must a hypothesis possess in order to be considered to be scientific?

A hypothesis must possess capable of being proven false and testable in order to be considered to be scientific.

In order to be considered scientific a hypothesis must be?

It is necessary for a hypothesis to have two things, the words IF and THEN. Another word can be added, BECAUSE. A successful hypothesis has to have all three.

What characteristics must a hypothesis have to be considered scientific?

To make your hypothesis considered scientific it must have testable and measurable results. Example: If you do an experiment and the results are testable and measurable another person would be able to do the exact same project and come out with the same results.

A good scientist tests his or her hypothesis before the hypothesis is considered supported?

several times, and must get agreement from the scientific community

What must a hypothesis have to be considered scientific?

To make your hypothesis considered scientific it must have testable and measurable results. Example: If you do an experiment and the results are testable and measurable another person would be able to do the exact same project and come out with the same results.

A hypothesis must be considered what to be scientific?

To make your hypothesis considered scientific it must have testable and measurable results. Example: If you do an experiment and the results are testable and measurable another person would be able to do the exact same project and come out with the same results.

Define the term hypothesis Why must it be testable?

Is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. A hypothesis must be tested for it to be a scientific hypothesis.

For a statement to be called a scientific hypothesis?

In order for a statement to be called a scientific hypothesis, it must be specific and testable.

When a hypothesis is supported by many different experiments it is considered a?

The explanation supported by many experiments is called scientific theory.

To prove that your hypothesis is correct you must?

A scientific hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable in order for it to be valid.

Can inferences be considered as scientific answers?

In a way, yes. Inferences are usually the beginning of a scientific answer. A scientific answer must be backed by a body of evidence and your opposing hypothesis must be disproven. An inference is a conclusion made off of a collection of facts. The next step is the experimental process.

What is an scientific hypothesis?

A scientific hypothesis is an "educated guess" about a result or solution based on prior knowledge and observation. It is the first step in the scientific method. The hypothesis must be something that can be supported or defended through experimentation or observation.