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Prediction of Observation. An Hypothesis is testable when it predicts what observations will occur under some circumstance that can be experimentally created.

Either it does so accurately, or it does not.

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Q: What makes a hypothesis in a science experiment testable?
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What makes a hypothosis testable?

when you perform the experiment

When a scientist makes an educated guess about what the right answer to a science experiment might be?

This is called a hypothesis.

What makes a hypotheses testable?

A hypotheses becomes testable by actually doing the experiment and seeing what you find.

Why is a testable question important?

If you don't have testable question then it will be hard to do a experiment of it

After the scientist makes a hypothesis they perform what to collect the data?

An experiment.

A scientist makes a claim of having discovered an eternal life potionIs this a testable hypothesis?

The hypothesis would have to be phrased in such a way as to allow for experimenting, but yes.

Which term is defined as a statement that a researcher makes and believes to be true?

A hypothesis is defined as a statement that a researcher makes and believes to be true. It is a specific, testable prediction about what the researcher expects to find in a study.

After the scientist makes a hypothesis they perform a to collect data?

the answer is the scientist designs a scientific inquiry

What makes a hypothesis able to be tested?

A hypothesis is a question or a statement that you must prove or disprove through an experiment. Whether or not something can be tested by an experiment determines whether or not you can form a hypothesis.

Which of the following is a testable hypothesis?

Common house spiders need to eat insects to live!

What makes a good hypothesis for science fair?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This is the first step to any good scientific experiment. P.S. Fluttershy is best pony.

What does a scientist do after he makes a hypothosis?

Design an appropriate experiment to test the hypothesis.