Palm reading is a pseudoscience. Practitioners give vague claims that cannot be substainciated, and use selective reporting of cases where a random statement happened to be true.
Metals conduct heat.
Palm Reading is also called Palmistry or Chiromancy (meaning hand prediction). It is an analysis of a person's hand to foretell the future and personalities. Palmistry means prediction of a persons future according to the position of the Mounts on a person's hand. Lines of a palm, color of a palm, Signs on palm and shape of hands indicates his past, present and future life. This prediction is based on the two palms of a person.
it is the science which deals with the study of palm of the hand
It is tree-like in habit, which is reflected in its common names: Joshua tree, yucca palm, tree yucca, and palm tree yucca
Admissible as evidence
Yes, palm prints can be admissible in court as evidence. Palm prints can be used to identify individuals just like fingerprints. The admissibility of palm print evidence will depend on the circumstances of the case and the rules of evidence in the jurisdiction.
yes we have as these palm prints are unique like our fingerprints. If we do not have palm prints we will not be able to use our palms to hold things as these things will slip off easily from our palms
Fingerprints are taken from the fingers and palms because the skin ridges in these areas contain unique patterns that are consistent throughout a person's life. The bottom of the feet can also be used for identification purposes due to the formation of distinctive footprints, especially in forensic investigation when fingerprints are not available.
no because they are two different people
Fingerprints of every person are unique. except for twins. . So fingerprints are used as evidence. This has been established over the years as scientific fact that has never been shown to be erroneous. It is pretty much considered common knowledge in this day and age, were 100 years ago it was still not accepted. DNA evidence has only recently been accepted by the scientific community and the laws around it are still evolving. And the use of such things as teeth marks is a growing area.
The science of fingerprinting is more complicated than most people believe. Each finger on each hand is completely different from the others. If a partial print is found it must be compared to the exact finger in the exact location, such as the side or top of the finger. At any one crime scene, the chance of a usable print is about 20% to 30% if luck is with the investigator. It also needs to be pointed out that it is very easy to smudge or contaminate fingerprints at crime scenes. With the bloody fingerprint at the Stine murder scene was most likely contaminated by the many people that worked the crime scene at Washington and Cherry St. in San Francisco. There were prints at the Lake Berryessa crime scene that could not be matched and a nearby pay phone with finger and palm prints. Fingerprints as evidence must be near-pristine in order to conclude innocence or guilt. Of course the prints from the letters sent to police and press were beyond use due to the many hands that touched them enroute to their destinations.
The grooves on our hands that we call finger- and palm-prints help keep a god grip on things even when we are sweating, like tyre treads on a wet road.
A palm tree - as palm is a part of the hand
Yes, fingerprint patterns are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. While there may be some hereditary influence on the overall pattern, fingerprints are unique to each individual, even among family members.