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I believe the question is a riddle. Could it be a coat of paint?

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Q: What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on?
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What kind of coat is the only coat you can put on when its wet?

A coat of paint

What kind of coat be put on only when wet?

a coat of paint

What type of coat must you always put on when wet?

a paint of coat

What type of coat you always put on only when wet?


What kind of coat is wet when you put it on?

I believe the question is a riddle. Could it be a coat of paint?

What kind of coat best put on wet?

nail polish

Kit kitterage what type of coat must you always put on only when wet?

A coat of paint!

What type of coat must you always put on only when wet?


What kind of coat can only be put on in the wet?

This is a riddle my Granddaughter is trying to solve. A coat of paint.

What kind of coat is best put on wet?

a coat of paint

What kind of coat can you wear when wet?

A rain coat

What can be told and can be played can be cracked and can be made?

What kind of coat is best put on wet