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Q: What is the underlying science for all sciences?
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What is the importance of mathematics in science?

Mathematical is a science, it is fundamental to all other 'sciences'

How are social science and physical science common?

they are not really social sciences are about the social aspects of life and phizical sciences are about all the physical things happening around us

Is anthropology economics political science psychology and sociology are all appropriately classified as social sciences?

Yes, anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology are all appropriately classified as social sciences.

What subject is referred to as the central science?

Math is the central science since it is how all other sciences are measured.

What type of science seeks to use knowlege for specific goals?

There are two categories of scientific knowledge. One is basic science and the other is applied science. It is generally the applied science used for specific goals. At the same time, all the applied sciences are researched through the basic sciences.There are two categories of scientific knowledge. One is basic science and the other is applied science. It is generally the applied science used for specific goals. At the same time, all the applied sciences are researched through the basic sciences.

Is earth science an independent science?

No, it gets information from all other sciences you have to know about BIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, CHEMISTRY..

Why is plant science the mother of all sciences?

Plant science is often referred to as the "mother of all sciences" because it laid the foundation for other scientific disciplines like biology, chemistry, and environmental science. Understanding plants is crucial as they are the basis of the food chain, provide oxygen, and play a vital role in ecosystems. Additionally, plant science has led to important advancements in agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology.

Example of major branches in science?

a. mathematics b. physical sciences c. earth sciences d. life sciences science

What groups are Natural Science divided into?

Natural Science is divided into three main groups: physical sciences, life sciences, and Earth sciences. Physical sciences study non-living matter and energy, life sciences focus on living organisms and their interactions, and Earth sciences examine the Earth and the processes that shape it.

What are the three branches of science and technology?

earths sciences,life sciences and physical sciences

Why physics is considered as the most fundamental of the science?

Physics is considered the most fundamental science because it seeks to understand the most basic principles governing the universe, such as how matter and energy interact. It provides the foundation for other sciences like chemistry, biology, and engineering to build upon. By studying physics, we can uncover the underlying laws that govern the behavior of all natural phenomena.

Is medicine physical science?

Medicine is a multidisciplinary field that combines aspects of physical sciences (such as biology, chemistry, and physics) with social sciences and clinical practice to study diseases, diagnose conditions, and treat patients. While physical sciences play a significant role in understanding the underlying mechanisms of diseases and developing treatments, medicine also incorporates elements from other fields to provide comprehensive care to patients.