Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4:00). Since Puerto Rico does not observe Daylight Saving Time, there is no time difference between Eastern Daylight time (summer time in the United States eastern seaboard) and Puerto Rico. In the winter, Puerto Rico is one hour ahead of US Eastern time.
Puerto Rico observes Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4) all year round. This means that Puerto Rico is one hour ahead of the United States' east coast time (New York, Washington DC, Miami, Boston) during the winter.
But when the United States observes Daylight Saving Time (in the summer) it is the same time in Puerto Rico as it is in the U.S. east coast.
Puerto Rico is one hour ahead of South Carolina.
Puerto Rico (UTC-4) is 1 hour ahead of South Carolina (UTC-5/UTC-4) from the 1st Sunday of November to the 2nd Sunday of March only. There is no time difference between Puerto Rico and South Carolina during most of the year.
When Michigan is in Daylight Saving Time (Summer), there is no time difference. When Michigan is in Standard time (Winter), Puerto Rico is 1 hour ahead of Michigan. If it is noon in Michigan, it is 1pm in Puerto Rico.
If you are in one of the Michigan counties bordering Wisconsin in Central time, Puerto Rico is one hour ahead in summer and two hours ahead in winter.
Puerto Rico will be 4 hours ahead of California when US is on Daylight savings Time. When DST is off, Puerto Rico is 3 hours ahead. This can be verified at
Puerto Rico and Ohio are in the same time zone. This means there is no time difference between the two areas.
Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States located in the Caribbean, while the Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia. Puerto Rico has a predominantly Spanish-speaking population and uses the US dollar as its currency, while the Philippines has a diverse culture influenced by Spanish, American, and indigenous traditions with a predominantly English-speaking population and uses the Philippine peso as its currency.
Newfoundland is farther east than Puerto Rico. Newfoundland is located in eastern Canada, while Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean Sea.
No, there are no active volcanoes in Puerto Rico. The island's last active volcano, Mount Cacique, became inactive over 5,000 years ago.
Puerto Rico is divided into municipalities, not states, provinces, or regions. There are 78 municipalities in Puerto Rico, each with its own local government.
Puerto Rico has to do in no matter with Mexico nor South America. Puerto Rico is not near Mexico and does not celebrate any "cultures" of Mexico. Puerto Rico is a U.S. Commonwealth and is found in the Carribean, about 1,000 miles from Miami, FL. Puerto ricans are desendents of African Slaves, spanairds and Tiano Indians their culture is nothing similar to Mexicans nor most south Americans,
Climate and size.
3248 kilometers or 2015 miles to San Jaun
about 5 to 5.5 hr. nonstop
The island of Puerto Rico is on the boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, southeast of Florida. This is a LONG way south and east of Michigan.
Hispaniola lies between Puerto Rico and Cuba
Alaska was purchased and puerto rico was goverened
The Puerto Rico Trench.
Mexicans are people from Mexico and Puerto Ricans are people from Puerto Rico. They have different cultural backgrounds, languages, and histories. Mexico is located in North America, while Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States in the Caribbean.
Puerto Rico is an island and the US is not.
puerto rico and alaskaU.S. PossessionsUnited States possessions included Puerto Rico and Alaska.
4 hours during winter and 5 during summer.
England is 5 hrs. ahead of Puerto Rico from the last Sun. of March until the last Sun. of Oct. and 4 hrs. ahead the rest of the year.