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The simplest method is distillation.

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3mo ago

The technique used to separate a solvent from a solution is called evaporation. This involves heating the solution to a temperature at which the solvent evaporates, leaving behind the solute(s). The vapors of the evaporated solvent can be collected and condensed back into a liquid form.

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7y ago

Usually it is distillation.

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3y ago

distillation (simple distillation)

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Q: What is the technique used to separate a solvent from a solution.?
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Why can't we separate a solvent from solution by filtration?

Filtration is used to separate a solid from a liquid in a mixture, not to separate a solvent from a solution, which is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. To separate the solvent from a solution, techniques such as distillation or evaporation are typically used.

What separation technique would most likely be used if a solvent were saved?

If a substance is dissolved in a solvent, distillation allows recovery of both the solvent and the solute.

What separation technique would most likely be used if a solvent we saved?

If a solvent were to be saved, distillation would be the separation technique of choice. Distillation involves heating the mixture to separate components based on their different boiling points, allowing the solvent to be collected and reused.

What is the aim of evaporation?

The aim of evaporation is to separate a solute from a solvent by converting the solvent into vapor, leaving behind the solute in solid form. This process is commonly used to concentrate a solution or to extract a substance from a solution.

How can you separate cobalt and sugar?

One method to separate cobalt and sugar is through fractional crystallization. By dissolving the mixture in water and adjusting the temperature to allow sugar crystals to form first, the sugar can be separated while leaving the cobalt behind in the solution. Another method is by using a solvent extraction technique where an organic solvent that selectively binds to cobalt can be used to extract the cobalt from the sugar solution.

Related questions

Why can't we separate a solvent from solution by filtration?

Filtration is used to separate a solid from a liquid in a mixture, not to separate a solvent from a solution, which is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. To separate the solvent from a solution, techniques such as distillation or evaporation are typically used.

Which separation technique can be used to separate a homogeneous solution?

whaty? niga?

What separation technique would most likely be used if a solvent were saved?

If a substance is dissolved in a solvent, distillation allows recovery of both the solvent and the solute.

What technique would most likely be used to separate solution with many components?

Separation by chromatograhy

What separation technique would most likely be used if a solvent we saved?

If a solvent were to be saved, distillation would be the separation technique of choice. Distillation involves heating the mixture to separate components based on their different boiling points, allowing the solvent to be collected and reused.

What is the aim of evaporation?

The aim of evaporation is to separate a solute from a solvent by converting the solvent into vapor, leaving behind the solute in solid form. This process is commonly used to concentrate a solution or to extract a substance from a solution.

How can you separate cobalt and sugar?

One method to separate cobalt and sugar is through fractional crystallization. By dissolving the mixture in water and adjusting the temperature to allow sugar crystals to form first, the sugar can be separated while leaving the cobalt behind in the solution. Another method is by using a solvent extraction technique where an organic solvent that selectively binds to cobalt can be used to extract the cobalt from the sugar solution.

Why decanting cannot be used to separate a solution?

Decanting is not effective for separating a solution because it cannot separate the components based on their physical properties. Decanting only removes the liquid portion from the solid portion in a mixture, but it does not separate the dissolved solute from the solvent in a solution. To separate a solution, techniques like distillation or filtration are needed.

How will you get back the solute from the solution?

One method to get back the solute from a solution is through the process of evaporation. By heating the solution, the solvent evaporates and leaves behind the solute which can then be collected. Alternatively, techniques such as filtration or crystallization can also be used to separate the solute from the solution.

What technique is used to separate different substances that are dissolved in a solution eg different dyes in paint?

Chromatography is a technique commonly used to separate different substances in a solution based on their different affinities to a stationary phase and a mobile phase. As the mixture passes through the stationary phase, the components move at different rates, allowing for their separation. This technique can be used to analyze the composition of substances such as dyes in paint.

The process of using porous paper to separate molecules based on their size and ability to dissolve in a solvent is called?

The process is called chromatography. It is a technique used to separate and analyze mixtures based on their differential affinities for a stationary phase (the porous paper) and a mobile phase (the solvent).

How is solvent used?

A component of a solution is extracted by the use of a selective solvent for this component.